Unlock Your Potential and Transform Your Life with Barry Auchettl

Are you ready to overcome the challenges that hold you back from your fullest potential?

The Visionary Leap: Clear Blocks to Eyesight and Insight

Upcoming Webclass:

Barry Auchettl

Known as "The Blockbuster"

About Barry Auchettl 

Meet Barry Auchettl, a true Life Visionary who has harnessed the power of raising his own Vibration (inner world) and Frequency (outer world) to orchestrate a life of inspiring transformation. He now empowers individuals across the planet to do that as well. He guides them through the intricate process of identifying and dismantling sabotages and fears so they are free to soar to new heights.

Barry overcame a fatal brain tumour to create vibrant health. He has transformed heartbreaking losses and divorce into a soul connection that prompted him to move across the globe. He has gone from near bankruptcy to a multi-six figure and growing global business that has ignited thousands to bring more light into the world. His books and movie have reached thousands and it all stems from him #1 commitment.

Barry is dedicated to raising the consciousness on the planet in order to live in a world as enlightened people in a harmonious global community. Through his mastery of kinesiology and pioneering energy method, Light Body Alignment, Barry has cracked the code to personal metamorphosis. He now teaches this advanced methodology through The Vision School, certifies practitioners and elevates leaders so that together we can raise the consciousness of our planet, country’s, community’s and in our own homes and hearts.

As the creative mind behind Conversations, an inspiring and innovative game, he sparks profound shifts and provides practitioners, families, organizations, and communities with a fun and powerful way to connect, communicate, and bond.

His books include various approaches to improving both our inner, and physical, vision. “Improve My Eyes,” “The Scan Charts,” and the reverberating bestseller “One Vision,” solidify his place as a literary luminary. His documentary movie Vision 2020: From Eyesight to Insight,” illuminates the pathways from the physical to the profound.

All of his work supports his stand for joining hearts, hands, and our light to illuminate what is possible for society and for every individual.

Hurry, limited seats available!

Focus Topics:

Identify Blocks
Proactive Approach

Register Now and Secure Your Spot for FREE.

What's in the Class?

Join us for "The Visionary Leap," an empowering one-hour class designed to revolutionize the way you think about and manage your vision—both physical and mental. Set for June 13 at 5 PM EDT, this session is not just another vision improvement class. It's about taking proactive steps now, so you don't have to wait for your vision to deteriorate to realize there could have been a better way.

Understand the Connection

Explore the profound link between physical eyesight and mental insight, and how enhancing one can positively affect the other.

Identify Blocks

Learn to identify and clear the blocks that are impairing your eyesight and clouding your insight.

Practical Techniques

Receive hands-on techniques and exercises to improve visual clarity and expand your cognitive perception.

Holistic Health Tips

Discover lifestyle changes and holistic health tips that support better eyesight and clearer mental processing.

Immediate Benefits

Start experiencing the benefits immediately through guided practices during the class.

Preventative Strategies

Implement preventative strategies that maintain and enhance vision before signs of deterioration.

Meet a few of our happy, fulfilled clients:

Barry Auchettl does amazing work that has changed my life in some very substantial ways - he has unblocked my vision, both with my eyes and with my life vision and ways that I never could appreciate before. I am now unbound to move directly toward my goals with clarity of vision.

Hugh Ballou, USA, Transformational Leadership Strategist

I can thoroughly recommend the Barry Auchettl's natural vision Eye Power process if you are interested in losing your glasses & or generally enhancing your view of the world. Barry's natural vision process is easy to follow, easy to apply and produces real results. Thanks, Barry, for all your efforts in assisting me to view the world using my own natural vision.

Pat Scahill, New Zealand






Why attend Now?

"The Visionary Leap," an empowering one-hour class designed to revolutionize the way you think about and manage your vision—both physical and mental.

Proactive Approach: Why wait for challenges to arise? Taking action now can prevent common issues related to vision and cognition.
Empowerment: Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to take control of your visual and mental health.
Comprehensive Care: Learn to care for your eyes and mind in ways that conventional approaches might overlook
Expert Guidance: Benefit from expert advice and support in a live interactive setting.: Benefit from expert advice and support in a live interactive setting.
Connect with Peers: Join a community of like-minded individuals who are also committed to improving their vision and insight.

Join us to unlock your path to extraordinary achievements and start living at the level you deserve.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone with Vision Concerns: If you're starting to notice changes in your vision, now is the time to take action.
Professionals & Students: If you rely heavily on your eyesight for work or study, this class can help maintain and enhance your visual stamina.
Curious Minds: Anyone interested in holistic health and personal development will find valuable insights and techniques in this class.
Ageing Adults: As we age, our eyesight tends to decline; learn how to keep your vision sharp and your mind clearer for longer.

Join us to unlock your path to extraordinary achievements and start living at the level you deserve.

This workshop is ideal for anyone seeking to enhance their life, whether you're a professional aiming for the next level in your career, an entrepreneur looking to attract more prosperity, or simply someone who wishes to lead a more fulfilled and balanced life.

Secure Your Spot Now!

Spaces are limited, and demand is high. Secure your spot today to take the first step towards clearer vision and deeper insight. Don't let your vision and mental clarity fade away when you have the power to improve and maintain them now!






Secure your spot and begin your journey to a more prosperous and successful life.

We look forward to helping you make a quantum leap into a future filled with health and extraordinary achievements!


The clearer you begin to see yourself, the clearer you see the world.
Our wish for you is to see clearer.

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Spaces are limited! Reserve your spot now

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Reserve Your Seat Now For The Visionary Leap: Clear Blocks to Eyesight and Insight

Thursday, June 13th @5pm EDT

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